Are Doc Martens Good For Snow, Ice, And Rain?

Are Doc Martens Good For Snow

Doc Martens, also known as Dr. Martens or simply Docs, is a popular brand of boots known for their durability and classic style.

But when it comes to winter weather, many people might ask “Are Doc Martens good for snow, ice, and rain?”.

This article will answer the question by evaluating the insulation, slip-resistance, comfort, and waterproofness of Doc Martens.

Are Doc Martens Good For Snow, Ice, And Rain?

Yes, they are. Doc Martens are great to walk on snow, ice, and rain. However, they can’t withstand extremely harsh weather conditions for the 3 following reasons.


One of the most important factors to consider when wearing boots in winter weather is slip resistance.

Docs are known for their thick, durable soles, which provide good traction on most surfaces. However, they are not specifically designed for winter weather, so they may not provide the best grip on snow and ice.

Docs are generally non-slip but may not be the best choice for wet and slippery surfaces. The sole traction of Docs in the snow is not as good as that of dedicated winter boots.

If you plan to wear Docs in snow and ice, it’s a good idea to be cautious and avoid walking on slippery surfaces.


Docs are made with thick leather, which provides some insulation but may not be enough to keep your feet warm in extreme cold.

Docs are not specifically designed for cold weather and may not be warm enough for some people.

However, Docs do keep your feet warm in the snow, although they are not as warm as dedicated winter boots.

If you plan to wear Docs in extreme cold, it’s a good idea to wear thick socks and consider adding insulation to your boots.


Doc Martens aren’t completely waterproof. But they are water-resistant and can be used in both snow and rain.

Yet, you should be careful when wearing them in wet conditions. You should use a leather waterproofing spray or mink oil to protect your boots from water damage.

If you want better water resistance, Docs offers a number of lines made from water-resistant leather, including WarmWair, WinterGrip, and DryWair.

These boots are made specifically for winter weather and provide better protection against water damage.


Docs are well-known for their ease of use, but there might be better choices for prolonged outdoor activities that take place in extremely cold or wet conditions.

If you plan to wear Docs in the winter, you need to make sure they are comfortable enough to be worn for a long time.

To make sure you stay warm, dry, and comfortable, it’s important to think about other options that might be better suited to the conditions and the activity you plan to do.

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Which Doc Martens Are Good For Snow?

While standard Docs may not be the best choice for winter weather, Doc Martens now offers models suitable for snow.

It is recommended to choose models with the following three features:

Winter Grip Docs

WINTERGRIP Dr Marten Boots

If you have to deal with a lot of icy snow, you should choose Docs with Wintergrip to walk confidently on this slippery surface.

The WinterGrip line has grooved cleats on its outsoles. This creates enhanced traction and grip while maintaining the ideal durability you need to survive through winter.

Plus, it uses Snowplow – a water-resistant leather to keep your boots dry yet salt-and-grit-resistant to keep them nice.

Warm Wair Docs

Warmwair Docs Ankle Boot

If it is just snowy and cold, you can choose WarmWair boots that are made of faux fur (thick ones) or the ones that are made of fleece (slim ones).

While maintaining warmth to your feet, this Doc line is made with water-resistant leather to withstand the snow.

Dry Wair Docs

Dry Wair Docs

The DryWair line is also the latest Doc Marten winter boots, starting from the fact that winter is cold and wet.

You can use the DryWair boots from the very first days of winter until the early spring when the snow begins to melt.

For this purpose, these Docs have oily, rich leather that isn’t broken in high-moisture environments.

The boots are also double-sealed to keep their inner from water, melting snow, or any liquid from reaching the interior.

How To Make Your Doc Marten Safe For Snow?

If you plan to wear Docs in snow and ice, there are a few things you can do to prepare. These things ensure your shoes are ready for the harsh winter weather.

Here are some tips on how to get your Doc Martens ready for snowy weather.

Waterproof Your Doc Martens

Although Doc Martens are not completely waterproof, they are water-resistant and can withstand light rain and snow.

Yet, its leather is thin and can be broken by harsh weather. The leather can be tightened and get cracked.

To increase their water resistance, you can apply a waterproof spray or mink oil to your boots before wearing them in the snow. This will help to prevent water from penetrating the leather and keep your feet dry and warm.

“The well-known boots from Dr. Martens that are crafted from high-quality leather are renowned.

However, it is essential to keep in mind that Dr. Martens footwear’s leather is prone to cracking when exposed to humid air. This means that you should choose your Dr. Martens boots with care if you live in a humid area.

To keep the leather from shrinking or cracking, it’s best to choose a waterproof material.

Additionally, waterproofing your Dr. Martens will help prevent water damage, which can damage the leather irreparably.

Overall, selecting a waterproof material that will shield your Dr. Martens from the elements is essential if you want to maintain their excellent appearance and condition.”

Make Your Doc Martens Better Slip-Resistant

Snow and ice can be slippery. So, it’s important to ensure your Docs have enough traction to prevent slipping and falling.

You can add an anti-slip sole to your boots, or try scuffing the soles with sandpaper or a wire brush to improve their grip.

Adding Insulation To Your Doc Martens

Doc Martens are known for their durability and toughness. But they may not be the warmest boots out there.

If you’re planning to wear them in very cold weather, you can add some insulation to your boots by inserting some warm insoles or wearing thick socks.

Final Words

So, in conclusion, can you wear doc martens in the snow?

The answer is yes. Doc Martens are good for snow, rain, and ice, provided that you choose the appropriate models.

However, you should consider taking extra steps to prepare your Docs for snow, like making your shoes better waterproof and slip-resistant or adding insulation to them.

Before venturing out in snowy or icy conditions, exercise good judgment and check the weather. This is to avoid potential discomfort or damage to your beloved Doc Martens.


With these precautions in mind, you can confidently rock your Doc Martens in any winter weather.

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